GeeStar Mentoring mentoring coaches London wide

About Mentoring. Re Sized

About Mentoring

Mentoring is a process of guidance where someone more experienced not always older shares their knowledge, skills and experience to assist another individual to progress in their own lives and fields of choice. Mentors and Mentees need to have boundaries agreed upon before the relationship commences, as Mentors need to be available in times of crisis while still maintaining a private life.

A Mentors Journey

Mentors very often practice what they preach and have a Mentor themselves, you also find that most successful people in the corporate world sports and entertainment world also value a strong Mentor in their lives. In turn very often Mentees will see the benefit this practice of mentoring has in their own lives will then turn mentor to up and coming talents in their own sector.

Mentoring can be a short-term arrangement until the original reason for the partnership is fulfilled (or ceases), or it can last many years.


Mentoring is all about motivating and empowering the other person to identify their own issues and goals, you do this by giving them tried and tested methods and techniques. If someone is given the skills to achieve it’s more likely they succeed compared to someone unprepared and lacking skills. Identifying strengths and weaknesses is the first port of call, then self-esteem and resilience levels as you won’t be doing it for them merely guiding them.

About Mentoring. Journey

Things We Cover In Mentoring

  • Personal View Of Success
  • Society’s View Of Success
  • Forming New Habits
  • Self-Esteem
  • Positive Self-Talk

    We at GeeStar mentor through 2 different systems one that suits group mentoring and the other compliments one to one mentoring. One to one mentoring gives the mentor more personal interaction with the mentee for obvious reasons, due to this more personal issues can be resolved which enables more goals to be achieved.

    The motivational programme is delivered over 2 days and is designed to be a dynamic crash course that offers the keys to success, stressing that success is measured by the individual and not by the media view or society’s view of success.
    Most of the Young people we encounter have heard the phrase self-esteem but when asked to explain this term most don’t really recognise low self-esteem and the effects that it has on us as human beings. This is one of the primary things we assess with a new mentee, and if self-esteem is low we will address it because along with resilience it’s one of the most important tools when making changes and forming new habits.

Mentoring Is Not Counselling

Mentoring is not the same as counselling or therapy - though the mentor may help sign-post the mentee to the appropriate more specialised avenues of therapy if it becomes obvious that this would be the most productive route forward.

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